*Buy 1 Free 1 Promo T&C* We will automatically pack dish(s) for the number of dish(s) you place order for. For example, if you purchase 2 dishes, you will receive 4 dishes in your parcel. Please indicate choice of color for the free piece(s) in remarks section during check out, we will accommodate as long as color is instock. For orders not indicated or choice of color not instock, we will ship out a random piece of an available color. Please only purchase if you are comfortable with this. Promo NOT applicable to set pricing & while stocks last only.
Oven, Microwave & Dishwasher Safe
Material: Stoneware
Salad Plate 0.560 kg |21cm diameter 3cm height
Soup Bowl 0.450 kg | 15.5cm diameter 6.5cm height
Oval Plate 0.320 kg | 20cm x 14cm x 2.5cm height
Mug 0.420 kg | 9cm diameter (13cm with handle) 12cm height
Pitcher 0.930 kg | 9cm diameter (16cm with handle) 18cm height
Set Info -
Set of 3 consist of: 1x Oval Plate, 1x Soup Bowl & 1x Mug
Lovera Collections carries the required licenses for importation & sales of tableware products, all products regardless of country made are safe for food use.